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1、是Tamara walker 唱的,歌名就叫天使之眼 歌词: Artist: Tamara Walker Lyrics
2、Song: Angel Eyes Lyrics
3、Angel eyes..see the glory.
5、Angel eyes..know the story.
6、They see the hearts that break.
7、They see the love you make.
9、The story never ends.
10、Every heart thats been broken
11、by just a word thats been spoken.
12、Heaven keeps the score...
14、there's always something more,
15、if only you believe.
16、Every heart wants redemption
17、and deep inside there's a connection
18、thats waiting for the touch
19、it doesn't take too much
20、to set your spirit free.
21、Angel eyes see the morrow.
22、Angel eyes won't let sorrow
23、live inside your heart.
24、You've got a brand new start
25、if only you believe.
26、Every heart wants redemption
27、and deep inside there's a connection
28、that's waiting for the touch.
29、It doesn't take too much
30、to set your spirit free.
31、Angel eyes want to love you
32、and angels fly high above you.
33、The promise never ends.
34、The rainbow never bends,
35、if only you believe.
36、The promise never ends.
37、The rainbow never bends,
38、if only you believe.
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